First women harbour workers mural
from 1989 (vandalized)
Große Elbstraße 39
"Women working in the fish industry, 1994"
Große Elbstraße 152
"Women harvesting coffee, tabaco, and bananas"
"Wipe and swish – the cleaning ladies"
"The demonstrators"
Große Elbstraße 164
"The strike of the coffee bean sorters"
Stairs adjacent to the building at Große Elbstraße 164
"Girls in view - their future in the harbour"
"Jumping in at the deep end"
Große Elbstraße 210-212
"Women metal workers and welders
in the harbour" - (picture purloined)
"Women in harbour logistics"
Große Elbstraße 276
"Women at sea – past and present"
Neumühlen 3
Pump station No. 69
"The Elbe and the 'work' waves"
Neumühlen 16-20
(Turnaround at the Lawaetzhaus)
"For the women from the Dessauer Ufer"
Neumühlen 16-20
"Women to the helm"
Neumühlen 21
Working Women in the harbours
of New York City and Hamburg
- - a bridging project
Große Elbstraße 132
Women in the fish industry
and at the fish market, 2015
Große Elbstraße 268

Commemorating the life of Dr Elisabeth von Dücker

Dr Elisabeth von Dücker
born 25 February 1946 - died 9 July 2020
Photo: Ulrike Gay ©

Die Gedenkveranstaltung für Commemorating the life of Dr Elisabeth von Dücker on 26 September 2020
in the Galionsfiguren-Saal / Altona Museum.

Coronabedingt konnten nur 60 Personen teilnehmen.

On 26 September 2020, we came together to share our memories and say goodbye to Elisabeth, with speeches, music, film clips - and washing lines strung across the room displaying publications and photos from the many areas of life that she was interested and involved in. Corona restrictions meant that only 60 people could attend.

We will truly miss this indefatigable project and museum personality. She was a creative feminist networker who never tired of researching and delving into the issues close to her heart, such as the extended definition of women's work, housework, port work, sex work and the 'double burden' that women carry in their lives, gladly presenting her findings to the general public. She was also committed to furthering the development of her own quarter of Ottensen, founding the neighbourhood archive and renaming roads.

We worked together for many years in social projects that included various action groups, as well as the international neighbourhood dialogues, producing films, books, exhibitions, city tours and murals in these various contexts.
We thank Lissi for the stimulating, driving force that she was in her lifetime.

An action group is now campaigning for a road to be (re-)name after Elisabeth von Dücker.

Publications and presentations of her works and the corresponding archives should be made accessible to the general public under her name (biographic legacy) and secured in a Hamburg Archive.

Gabriele Wohlauf: Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin, “Miss Marples Schwestern”
Burkhart Springstubbe: The early days of Ottensen neighbourhood archive
Kathrin Offen-Klöckner: Ottensen neighbourhood archive and women's history
Brigitte Krause: Neighbourhood dialogue Japan + Spain
Ulrike Gay: Friend, mpz, films and film work
Jürgen Bönig: Museum of Work
Christiane Howe: Sex work exhibition
Bettina Beermann: BI Altonaer Museum lives on
Hildegund Schuster: Mural 1989 and Women's Open Air Gallery Hamburg

Singing: Katrin Stender and group
Music: Krischa Weber